The compliance attorneys at Excellence Law Partners will thoroughly examine your business to determine if your operations and systems are in compliance with the law. Our most significant professional accomplishment is the development and deployment of a unique advisory tool called 'Lignostics' at the firm. This is a unique advisory tool developed by Excellence Law Partners and it provides a comprehensive diagnosis and report of exposure to litigation, compliance loopholes or any pitfalls threatening your operations. The tool generates options and proposals of solutions. As a complex legal analytical system, Lignostics employs a wide range of parameters (historical, anthropological, social, psychological, ethical, economicetc) and thoroughly analyses and interprets all client instructions, facts, functions, environment and scenarios, treating them as pieces of data and accurately diagnoses the causes of any challenges in any area of law from what is termed the ‘root-of-the-root-cause’ perspective. This innovation is by far the most accurate examination of the causes of legal exposure. Welcome to the world of Lignostics!
We employ the latest technology for efficient and cost-effective services. We serve businesses throughout Blantyre City, Zomba City, Lilongwe City, and Mzuzu City from our Blantyre City office. Contact us if you need experienced legal help with all of your compliance issues.